Deportment, his Wise Just Lenitive and Prudent Behaviour
in his Administration to this Time, we do Conclude that he
cannot fail of meeting his most Gracious Majesty and your
Lordships Approbation. And we doubt not but his Great En-
deavours in Conjunction wth your Lordship's will very much
Contribute to your Lordships and Our Own Happiness.
We Humbly Implore the Wisest of Councils so to Direct
Your Lordship's as that this your Province of Maryland may
always fflourish & Advance under your Auspicious and wise
Signed p Order of the Lower House of Assembly
R: Ungle Speaker.
May it Please your Lordship.
In most Dutifull Manner we Offer to Your Lordship's Con-
sideration that the Real Motives inducing us to make Choice
of Coll: Nathl Blackistone to Convey Our Thoughts and
Affairs to Your Lordship were the Great Difficulties we found
in Obtaining Access to the Royal and Sacred Persons of our
Kings; which Motives Ceased upon your Lordship's Restora-
tion to the Governmt of your Noble Ancestors by the late
Royal Bounty of his Present Majesty by which Means and out
of the abundance of your Lordship's Meek Affable & Cour-
teous Temper, the Powers Substituted by your Lordship may
have the Freedom by way of Address to Convey their Desires
to your Lordship, without further laying our Country under
the (as we presume) Unnecessary Charge of An Agent.