L. H. J.
that in Cases Ordinary, the Legislature there never Inter-
meddles: but in Uncommon Cases as well the Representative
Body there as here have often Interposed. Instances of both
are easily made Appear especially among Ourselves, who can
Readily deduce many from Our journals of a long Time Past
p. 84
from which we Observe that few private Acts for many Years
have been Dissented to by your Lordships Noble Predecessors
and Ancestors altho some of them alike or Very Little Differ-
ent in Effect from those declared Null and Void by your Lord-
ships late Speech to us.
And further we declare to Your Lp [with much Concern]
Unless our Legislature is permitted to Determine some things
which may be said in Strictness not to Exceed the Jurisdiction
of any Court here, that the Judicature which should be Supe-
riour in its Authority to any other may soon in a Manner
become useless, and the People in Time Groan under heavy
Wherefore We humbly beg your Lordship to Reflect on the
Councils of your Ancestors & to believe that this Part of the
Legislature will never Intermeddle with any thing (not abso-
lutely necessary in Our Opinion) for the Good Support of
your Lordship's Government and Our own Happiness and
We take Leave to Assure your Lordship that as we shall
ever have a most Just Regard to your Sentiments in any thing;
so we shall always with the Greatest Submission Offer our
Reasons to your Lordship for Disagreeing thereto.
We humbly Conceive then, that Each officer in this prov-
ince, According to his Station has from the perquisites of his
office, a full Compensation for his Services, as well as an
Handsom Support: and if (as we Implore the Divine Mercy
it may) the Staple of our Country Improve their proffits will
be Double, And as a further Inducement to your Lp not to
Dissent to the late Regulation we humbly offer to your Noble
Consideration that the Continual Affluence of People among us
will very much Augment each officers Fees incident to their
Several offices. May it Please your Lordship in the Ancient
Colony of Virginia altho immediately under the Crown, [the