Procedures no more Differ in Effect than the Disparity in
Number between the Commissioners by those Laws Appointed
and a Jury of the Country. And further humbly Add that
few or no Jurys in Court can so Uprightly determine the
Bounds of Land as men, tho fewer in Number, yet of Equal
or rather Superior Capacity, Actually on the Spott may or
Can Do. And at the same Time Represent to your Lp unless
some Act wholly or in Part Agreeing in its Directions to
those Your Lp has lately been pleased to Dissent to be Enacted
and made in force here, that Every Man's Property will be
precarious and Liable to the Very Unjudicious Jurymen Ab-
sent from the Premisses, & totally Ignorant of the Art of Sur-
veying, on which most Differences of this kind some what or
Chiefly depend.
Happy should we be, could Our wisdom and fforesight ex-
tend so far as to frame an Act Consonant to the Laws of Great
Brittain which would Effectually settle the Bounds of our
Land here & meet your Lps Approbation. We are Assured
it would much Conduce to the Happiness and Security of your
People by Preventing many Tedious and Expensive Law
Suits. And we beg your Lp to believe, that as we Conceive
the Legislative Power highly necessary for the Regulation
and Support of the Jurisdiction of the Several Courts; so we
Declare that we will never Intermeddle so as to deprive them
of their Judicature: but cannot at present think of Any other
Law that would Answer the End Desired so Effectually as
those two before Mentioned, That your Lordship was pleased
to Dissent to, and humbly beg of Your Lordship to Signifie
to your Lieut. Governr here that those two Laws or some
other that would Answer the same Ends may againe be
Enacted. Your Lordship's former Observations on the Pro-
ceedings of the Parliament of Great Brittain are now fresh
in our Memory. And we Entirely Join with Your Lordship
p. 83