Ordered to be thus Endorsed Viz.
August the 4th 1721.
Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly and
Signed p Order M Jenifer Clk. Lo Ho
And Sent to the Upper House by the Gentlemen of that
Committee. Who Return & Say They Delivered it.
An Engrossed Bill for preventing the making Trashy To-
bacco and for Bettering the Staple of this Province being
Read, and Assented to and Sent to the Upper House by the
Committee of Laws, They Return and Say They have Deliv-
ered it.
An Engrost Bill for Relief of John Connaway a Languish-
ing Prisoner being Read and Assented to is so Endorst.
And An Engrost Bill for Relieving and Freeing the Inhabi-
tants of this Province from paying Duty for Negroes &c being
Read and Assented to is so Endorst.
And Sent to the Upper House by Mr James Smith and Mr
Clayton. They Return and say They have Delivered them.
James Bowles Esqr from the Upper House Delivers Mr
Speaker the Petition of Several Poor Prisoners thus Endorst
By the Upper House of Assembly
August the 4th 1721 .
Gentlemen. The within Petition being Read and Con-
sidered of, It is Recommended to your House, that such Per-