Coll Addison from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker
the Bill for freeing the Inhabitants from Duties on Negroes
&c thus Endorst Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly
August the 3d 1721.
This Bill being Read, will pass.
Signed p Order John Beale Clk. Up Ho.
Which was Read again Past for Engrossing and sent to the
Committee of Laws to be Engrost
Coll Ward from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
the Bill for Relief of Richard Thatcher thus Endorst Viz :
By the Upper house of Assembly
August the 3d 1721
We have heard both Parties for and against the within
Bill and heard and Considered Sundry Matters of Evidence
in Relation thereto; & have Great Reason to believe that the
Act Entituled An Act Empowering Robert Roberts of Queen
Ann's County to Sell part of a Tract of Land lying in Cecill
County called New Munster late the Land of Daniel Toaes
for the uses therein Mentioned, and to make Good and Valid
such Sale formerly obtained by Robert Roberts for the Sale
of Daniel Toaes's Land Called New Munster was Obtained
by ill Practice and Upon false Suggestions; But we are like-
wise of Opinion, that a great Regard ought to be had to the
Purchasers for Valuable Considerations, without Notice of
the Present Dispute under the same Act: for that the Publick
Faith and Justice of the Country are Deeply Concerned