Signed p Order. John Beale Cl Up. Ho.
Thereupon the Question was put whether a Bill shall be
brought in or not ?
Carried in the negative by the Majority of Votes.
The following Message was Order'd to be Prepared Viz.
By the Lower House of Assembly August 4th 1721.
May it Please your Honrs We have Received your Honrs
Message to us with Copy of the several Instructions to Wil-
liam Burnett Esqr Governr of New York, first sent from his
Sacred Majesty King William and Since Remitted to our
Governr by Governr Burnett in which We find a Quota pro-
posed on Our part of £650 Sterling and upon Examination [of
and] Inspection into Our Journals Anno 1701/2 We find this
Country addressed his then Majesty on that affair; in which
Address was Mentioned Severall of those Reasons against
our Raising any Supply's on that Occasion; which we hope
Weighed with his then Majesty & will likewise weigh with
his Present Majesty or any his Ministers, he shall be Pleased
to Appoint for the Consideration thereof the Reasons therein
given being so Obvious that with what farther Considerations
may be Justly Added thereto, We Cannot doubt but that as a
Renewment of that Demand has been hitherto for born we
shall be Excused from it for the future.
Signed p Order M. Jenifer Cl. Lower Ho
And Sent to the Upper House by Mr Tyler and Mr Earle
Senr. They Return and Say they have Delivered it.