before the Fire it was perfectly Tight, and we are of Opinion
may be easily made soe again. We alsoe Observe, that the
Sum you mentioned for an Engine and Buckets is to Small
and rather Propose that you send for a Good Fire Engine to
work with four Hands to be made to play with a brass Spout
only (without Leather Trunks), and three dozen good strong
Leather Buckets and then there Can be no Danger of having
a Bad Engine bought by a Restraint of the Price,
Signed p Order Jno Beale Cl. Up. Ho
James Bowles Esqr from the Upper House delivers Mr
Speaker The Bill for Relief of John Connaway thus Endorst
By the Upper House of Assembly August the 3d 1721.
This Bill being Read will pass.
Signed p Order. John Beale Cl Up Ho
Which was Read again and Past for Engrossing. And
Sent to the Committee of Laws to be Engrosed
Coll: Tilghman from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
the Bill against Pedlars thus Endorst Viz:
By the Upper House of Assembly
August the third 1721.
On reading this Bill It is the Opinion of thie House that it
is no Proper Time to Discourage the Importation of any Mer-
chandize into this Province, and that the Evil thereof might
be greater than that proposed to be Remedied by the Bill
wherefore it will not pass.
Signed p Order John Beale Cl Upr Ho