Coll Addison and three Others from the Upper House De-
livered Mr Speaker the Bill to prevent making Trashey To-
bacco &c thus Endorst Viz :
By the Upper House of Assembly August the 3d 1721.
Gentlemen. This Bill being Read will Pass with the fol-
lowing Amendment Viz: with a Proviso that, that Part of the
Law relating to Hemp and flax be not to Affect the Inhabi-
tants of Great Brittain untill the End of twelve Months at
least from the Passing this Bill; but that such Limitation of
Time have no Regard to the Inhabitants or officers of this
Province but that they be Obliged to take it here as if no such
Limitation were made.
Signed p Order. Jno Beale Clk Up. house.
The Supplementary Bill to the Act for Publication of Mar-
riages &c. was thus Endorst Viz :
By the Lower House of Assembly August the third 1721.