Endorst Thereupon the following Message was Prepared
By the Lower House of Assembly
August the 2d 1721.
May it Please Yr Honrs We Received yr Honrs Message
by Coll: Addison and two other of the Honble Members of
your House and are Concerned to find yor Honrs Declare it
Contrary to an Instruction the passing a Law relating to the
Incouragemt of Hemp and flax without giveing Twelve
Months Time ere it take Place, which however we hope be
no Barr to the Passing such a Law in England, in Regard
it will be at Least twelve Months ere those Commodities can
be brought to any Reasonable perfection as to affect Trade.
And we are rather induced to believe the Tobacco Law here-
with presented to your Honrs Consideration will most readily
meet yr Approbation, Since we have Deviated as little as may
be from the Scheme yr Honrs were pleased to lay before us.
Signed p Order. M. Jenifer Cl. Lo Ho.
And sent to the Upper House by the Gentlemen of the Com-
mittee of Laws and Six Others.
They Return and Say they Delivered it.
Coll: Addison from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
a Supplementary Bill to the Act for publications of Marriages
thus Endorst Viz :
By the Upper House of Assembly
August the 2d 1721.
Read and will Pass.
Signed p Order. John Beale Cl: Upper house.
Which was Read and Ordered to Lie on the Table.
The house Adjourns till to Morrow Morning Eight of the
Thursday August 3d 1721