Monday Morning July 31st 1721
The House meets According to Adjournment,
Saturdays Proceedings are Read
An Engrosst Supplementary Bill to the Act for stay of Exe-
cution after the Tenth day of May yearly was Read and
Assented to, and so Endorst was sent to the Upper House
by Mr Tyler and Mr Smith. They Return and say They Deliv-
ered it.
Coll. Addison from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker
the Bill for Levying twelve pounds of Tobacco p poll in
Prince George's County thus Endorst Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly July the 29th 1721.
The within Bill being Read will Pass.
Signed p Order Jno Beale Cl Up. ho
Which being Read again Past for Engrossing And was
sent to the Committee of Laws to be Engrost. On Reading
the Petition of John Macclester and Hearing the Allegations
of all Parties the Question was put whether a Bill shall be
brought in or it be Referred?
Carried by the Majority of Votes that it be Refer'd till next
Sessions Whereupon the same is Refered Accordingly.
Col Ward and Thomas Bordley Esqr Deliver Mr Speaker
the following Message Viz :
By the Upper House of Assembly July the 31st 1721.