Saturday July the 29th 1721.
The House meets According to Adjournment
Yesterday's proceedings are Read.
The Petition of John Watkins is Read and Referred till next
Sessions. The Petition of Joseph Brown Refer'd to this Day
is Read, and the Question being put whether the Petition shall
be Rejected or not?
Carried in the Affirmative by the Majority of Votes.
Whereupon the Petition is Rejected.
A Bill for Explaining and Confirming William Bozman's
Will is Read and all Parties Concerned Appearing in this
House, the Heirs at Law of the said John Bozman as also
Mr Merrick Ellis who is some what Interested therein; who
making no Objections against the passing thereof, There-
upon the same is Past Nemine Contradicente, which was so
And the Bill for Reviving the Act for Regulateing of Or-
dinarys is Read and Ordered to be thus Endorst Viz :
By the Lower House of Assembly July the 29th 1721
May it Please your Honrs On Reading and Considering
your Endorsment on the within Bill this House are not will-
ing to put a greater Restraint on the People of this Province
and therefore desire your Concurrence with us in passing the
within Bill as it now is.
Signed p Order. M Jenifer Clk Lo Ho
Both which Bills were sent to the Upper House by Capt
Jones & Mr Wales
They Return and say They Delivered them.
An Engrost Bill to Limit the Continuance of Actions in
Several Courts in this Province and Ascertaining the Manner
of taking the Evidence of Seafaring men, and for Granting