Votes, And Ordered that the Committee of Laws prepare
a Bill accordingly.
The Letter of Samuel Young Esqr praying that the Publick
would take Care of the Ballance of thirteen hundred and two
pounds five Shillings and four pence half penny Currency in
his Hands due to the Free Schools is Read and thus Endorst
By the Lower house of Assembly
July 31st 1721
May it Please Your Honrs The within Letter is Recom-
mended to your Honrs and we Desire you would be pleased to
Join with us in Such Proper Methods for the Disposing
thereof to the Severall Countys as to your Honrs shall seem
Signed p Order. M. Jenifer Clk. Lo Ho
And Sent to the Upper House by Mr Rousby and Mr Lloyd,
Who Return and say They have Delivered it.
Ordered that the Committee of Accounts Allow John
Gould in Money for his whole Allowance as Clerk Assistant
in this House at the Rate of eight Shillings and four pence
p hundred. Ordered that the former Allowance of Eight
Pounds to the Speaker and four Pounds to the Clerk On the
Removing Prince Georges County Court House formerly
Past be paid by the Justices of the said County out of the
Assessment of Twelve pounds of Tobo p poll.
An Engrossed Bill for Supplying Defects in Robert Ander-
son's Will, And
An Engrosed Bill for Levying twelve pounds of Tobacco p
poll in Prince Georges County being Severally Read were
Assented to and Sent to the Upper House by Mr Tyler and
Mr Mariarte, Who Return & say they Delivered them