p. 41
By the Upper House of Assembly, July the 28th 1721.
Gentlemen ;
Whereas in One Paragraph of the within Act It is Con-
tained, That no person or persons Inhabiting within this
Province, not haveing Lawfull Licence shall sell by Retail
Unless Sold at the Common and usuall Rates of such Liquors
between Merchants and Others any Cider, Quince Drink or
other Strong Liquors to be Drunk in his her or their Houses, or
about his her or their Plantation on the fforfeiture therein
Mentioned: which words (unless sold at the Common and
usuall Rates of such Liquors between Merchants and others)
have been found to give Countenance to many evill practices
Among Handicraft men and Labourers to the great Damage
of themselves and Families as well as the Evil Example of
others. Be it therefore Enacted, that the said Words (unless
sold at the Common and usual Rates of such Liquors between
Merchants and others) and the whole force Power and Effi-
cacy thereof be and is hereby wholly taken away. We Do
further Recommend it to your House, if you see proper to pro-
hibit all persons having Licence to keep Ordinary from selling
Spirits and other strong Liquors in Other Houses or at other
Places than they have Allowance to vend them in at the Time
of the Granting their Licences (the County Court Houses
in Court Time, only Excepted where noe Ordinary keepers
Live) and Under the forfeiture in the said Law mentioned.
Signed p Order. John Beale Cl Up. Ho
Thereupon the Question was put Whether the Law shall
stand as it is without any Alteration or not ?
Carried in the Affirmative by the Majority of Votes.
Ordered that Thomas Bordley and Thomas Larkin Esqrs
Appear on Monday Morning next to make good their Right
to the Town Pasture.