May it Please your Honrs
We have Debated your Honrs Message of the 26th Instant
by Coll: Addison & Coll: Tilghman on the Militia Act and are
Still of the same Opinion as we Mentioned in our former
Message of the 24th Instant by Coll: Mackall and Coll.
Signed p Order. M. Jenifer Cl Lo. Ho
And Sent to the Upper house by Mr Walter Smith and Mr
Warfield, Who Return and say They have Delivered it.
The House Adjourns till One of the Clock in the Afternoon.
Post Meridiem.
The House Meets According to Adjournment.
A Bill Empowering the Justices of Prince George's County
to Levy twelve pounds of Tobacco p poll on all Taxables
within the said County for the use therein Mentioned was
Read the first and Second Times and past which was so En-
dorst and sent to the Upper House by Mr Lee and Mr Tyler,
Who Return & Say they have Delivered it.