A Bill for Reviving the Act Ascertaining the Gauge and
Tare of Tobacco Hogsheads &c. Severally thus Endorst Viz.
By the Upper House of Assembly July the 26th 1721.
Read and will Pass.
Signed p Order. John Beale Cl Up Ho
Which being Read again Past for Engrossing & were Sent
to the Committee of Laws to be Engrost.
The House Adjourns till to Morrow Morning Eight of the
Thursday Morning July 27th 1721
The house Meets According to Adjournment Yesterday's
Proceedings are Read.
The Petition of Gustavus Hesselius for his own & his
Daughter Mary's Naturalization is Read and Leave given
to bring in a Bill as prayed.
James Bowles Esqr from the Upper House delivers Mr
Speaker the Petition of Sundry Persons concerned in the
Trade at Upper Marlburgh thus Endorst Viz :
By the Upper House of Assembly July the 27th 1721.
The within Petition being Read, the Consideration thereof
is refer'd to the Lower House of Assembly.
Signed p Order. John Beale Clk. Up. ho.
Which being Read Leave is Given to bring in a Bill as
prayed, with Liberty of eighteen Months for building their
The Petitions of the Inhabitants of Prince George's County