Sent to the Upper House by Coll Mackall and three Others.
They Return and Say they Delivered them.
Collo Ward from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message Viz :
By the Uppr House of Assembly July the 26th 1721
Waving all Disputes about the Ancient Customs and Privi-
leges of your House (which yet we Cannot Agree you have
any Title to in Manner Set forth in your Message of this
Day by Mr Lee and Mr Benson) The mutual Agreement and
Good Correspondence, that always ought to Subsist between
the two Houses gave us a great Deal of Reason to believe that
we should have not been Denyed the perusal of his Lordship's
Speech For if we had Required it as being a Branch of the
Legislature, to whom it was in the first Place Addressed; We
should not in Our Opinion have Exceeded that Measure of
Right, which is justly due to the Prechemmency both in the
Order and Dignity of our House: but we were not for Pro-
longing the Sessions, nor Spending Our Countrys Money in
Trifling Debates and therefore Contented Ourselves in Re-
questing barely the perusall of the Original Speech with
design only to Correct the Errors that we imagine are to be
found in the Copy Attested and Sent us by the Clerk of your
House. But that we may inform you in this Matter (which
you seem at present to Misapprehend,) we take that Speech
to be the Governrs proper Authority, for Delivering in his
Lordship's name the Subject Matter of it, and which Certainly
neither belongs to you nor us, otherwise than as we have the
Favour of our Perusing it for the Refreshing of our Mem-
ories, and Entring it Correctly on Our Respective Journals
Signed p Order. John Beale Cl. Up. Ho :
p. 32