122 Assembly Proceedings, July 18-August 5, 1721.
U. H. J.
In your said Address you Desired time till the next Sessions
to Consider the proper Alteracons you Declare necessary to
be made to the late Act for Ascertaining the bounds of Land
then under our Consideration; and Which we had Signifyed
to you Ought to be Consonant to the Laws of Great Britain,
the Supplementary Act since made, and Intended for an
Amendment thereof leaves the Properties of his Majestys
Subjects in Maryland to be Determined in a Different Manner
from Those of Great Brittain, whose Safety and Happyness
it is to have Theirs try'd and Decided by their Equalls Twelve
Good men of the Countrey on their Oaths; I have therefore
thought fit to Dissent to the said Act intituled An Act Ascer-
taining the bounds of Land within this Province and Likewise
to the Act intituled A Supplementary Act to the Act for Ascer-
taining the bounds of Land within this Province And do here-
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by Declare the said Acts null, Void & of no Effect.
No doubt Gentlemen the Assistance of the Legislature may
be very necessary in many Instances to the Courts in Main-
taining or Correcting but not in Depriving them of their
Judicature, & I shall be most ready to Confirm any such Law,
in Order so to Settle the boundaries of our Lands, as Every
man may in the best Manner possible enjoy his own
Gentlemen I have formerly made known to you, that the
Legislature of Great Britain does not take upon them, among
their Parliamentary Proceedings to Decide matters of Meum
and Tuum; The Peoples Properties are rul'd by the known
Laws of the Land, however Extraordinary their Cases may
be, unless for the joynt Relief, And upon the united Applica-
tion of all Parties Concerned; And I am Advised, And think
it Absolutely necessary that yours should be Preserved to you
Agreeable thereto, I have therefore Dissented to the Act
Intituled An Act to invest an Estate in ffee to John Clements
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of Queen Ann's County in a Certain Lott in the Town of
Cambridge in Dorchester County and to the Act intituled An
Act for the Relief of Benjamin Howard in makeing Good the
Survey of Howards Purchase, And also to the Act intituled
an Act Empowering certain Commissioners to Dispose of the
remaining part of the Personall Estates, which were of Thos
Smithson late of Dorchester County Gent, and Thomas Smith-
son late of Talbott County Esqr Deceased & to Settle and As-
sess the Losses, Damages, Costs by Thomas Hicks Gent, and
John Davis Son and Heir at Law of Jeremiah Davis Sustained,
as also to Value the Lands Whereof the said Thomas Smith-
son of Dorchester County and the said Thomas Smithson of
Talbott County died Seized, And to Dispose of so much of the
said Personall Estates and the Lands as will Satisfie the said
Thos Hicks and the said John Davis for their Damages Losses
and Costs Sustained by means of a Warrant of Lands from