Thereupon Col Richard Tilghman is Sent down to the
Lowr house to Acquaint Mr Speaker that his Honr the Govr
requires him & the whole House to Attend him in the Councill
Chamber Immediately.
Who returns and Says he Delivered his Message There-
upon Mr Speaker with the members of that House Attend his
honour the Govr in the Councill Chamber Accordingly.
Whereupon his honr the Govr Delivers himselfe to them as
follows viz.
Gentlemen. His Lordship the Lord Propry has Directed
me to Communicate to you what follows, which you are to take
as from his own Mouth
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly
Baltimore: The due Regard you Promised by Your Joynt
dutifull Address to pay to our Speech transmitted to you by