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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 123   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Upper House. 123

the said Thomas Smithson of Dorchester County and the said
Thomas Smithson of Talbott County to the said Thomas
Hicks & Jeremiah Davis made, and likewise to the Act inti-
tuled an Act to Supply Certain Defects in the Conveying
Lands from Henry Gibbs Son and Heir of Edward Gibbs

U. H. J.

some time of Somersett County In the Province of Maryland
decd to Benjamin Laurence John Belt & Lucy his Wife Heirs
of Benjamin Lawrence Sometime of Calvert County in the
Same Province Deceased And do hereby Declare the said
Acts Null, Void & of no Effect, Trusting that under my Gov-
ernment the Province will Continue (as it has from its
Infancy) to flourish by an unbiassed Administration of the
Law in the Established Courts of Justice
It would have been much more Acceptable if the Reguard
you Acknowledged Yorselves Willing to have to our Senti-
ments relating to the Act for Officers ffees had Produced
something more Adequate to our Judgments thereof Rather
than a Desire in you Gentlemen of the Lower House that I
would not Dissent to the said Act; And the most Distinguish-
ing amongst you must necessarily know, that as People and
Plenty increase in a Countrey, so ought the Rewards of Those,
who for their Care Knowledge and Integrity are imployed
in the Severall Offices of Government, in a due Execution
Whereof, so much the happyness of the People Depends And

P. 6

therefore that you your Selves may once more have an oppor-
tunity to make the Proper Addicons rather than Continue
such Diminutions, at your Request I have not yet Dissented

Gentlemen of the Upper and Lowr Houses
The Satisfaction you Express with our Appointment of a
Gentleman to be your Governour, who will I am Confident
use his Utmost Endeavours, in Conjunction with me, to make
you a Most happy People, My Self a happy Proprietarie and
both Acceptable to his most Gracious Majestic (the Great
Ends for which I sent him) Adds to the Esteem, I had before
of him; having already learnt that all Government is Intended
for the Publick Good, which I am Resolved to make the rule
of mine.

After which his Honour the Govr is Pleased to bespeak
the Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower houses of Assembly
as follows viz.

Gentlemen of the Upper and Lowr Houses of Assembly
Having thus Delivered you, what his Lordship has Instructed
I am now to Assure you that It is with the Greatest Satisfac-

p. 7

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 123   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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