L. H. J.
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notwithstanding the malicious reports of his Enemies on Ac-
count of his Sincere Attachment to yor Ldps Interest, So we
take Leave to Observe, that the Reasons Suggested to yr Ldps
would not have been of Equall Weight with us, as to Induce us
to Desire a Change. Yet they are well Corroborated by the
Especial Favour Your Ldp hath been pleased to Conferr on
us Viz :
The Appointm* of a Gentleman to Rule over us of Strict
Adherence to the Protestant Interest known Loyally to the
King and we verily believe a well wisher to yor Ldps Govern-
ment & the happiness of your People here, and we are per-
suaded Conform to yor Ldps Desire & his own good
Inclinacons he will Exert himself in his Endeavours of healing
our Late Devisions by wch we shall (like good Christians) be
United in Order to Consult yor Ldps Interest and the Comon
Good. And we are perswaded our dissenting Brethren of
what Denomination soever will Injoy such Indulgence as Can
Reasonably be Allowed them so we have Just reason to believe
they will think themselves happy under the same and thereby
be prevented from giving Disturbances to the Government
or Uneasiness to themselves.
We are sensibly Touched on Account of the Seeming dis-
satisfaction your Ldp is pleased to Express on account of the
Late Regulation of Officers frees being firmly Assured, were
yor Ldp truly apprised of the Large summs the frees of the
Severall Officers amount unto, Your Ldp would in all proba-
bility Incline to Assent to that Regulacon which we may Justly
Affirm (by Reason of the Great Number of people in the
Province) Amounts to much more now than they Did when
the former Act was Made (wch in the Judgment of every
Distinguishing pson here) are abundantly Sufficient for the
honble Support of yor Ldps Great Officers, a handsome Main-
tainance to the Lesser, and a Sufficient Encouragement to
every of them to discharge the duties Incumbent on them, To
wch reasons we humbly take leave to Subjoin the pressures of
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the poorer Sort of yor Ldps People have Long Laboured under
by Reason of those Extravagant Fees prefixt by the first Law,
so that on due Consideracon of the whole, we have reason still
to believe yor Ldp will not incline to Dissent to a Just Regu-
It is also a great Satisfaction that Yor Ldp is pleased to Ap-
prove the Choice we have made of Collo Blackistone for our
Agent A Person who hath long pleasingly Served us in the
Recommendacon of our Affairs to yor Ldp as occasion did
Robt Ungle, Speaker