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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 107   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>
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The Lower House. 107

state of the Offices. It seemg to us to be no great matter of
Consideration to appoint Commrs to repair the sd Offices and
provide proper Boxes or Cases to Lodge the bookes in to
Defend them from the weather and to Cause the Books that
have been Transcribed as well as others to be bound.
Signed p Order. Joh. Beale Cl: Upper house.

The Address of the Lower House of Assembly being Signed
by Mr Speaker by the Order of the House was read and
ordered to be Entered as follo viz :


To the Right Honoble Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietor
of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of
Baltemore &ca.

The Sincere and unf eign'd Address of yor Lordships Lower
House of Assembly who in most humble manner take leave
to Express the Satisfaccon that we have reced from your
Ldps Acquainting us by your near Relacon our Governour of
the Reasons induceing Your Lordship to Entrust the Govern-
ment in his hands Viz :
His Loyalty and great Service to King George his Inclina-
cons to make the Interest of you our Lord Proprietor and the
People One,
Arguments in themselves so Strong nothing seems neces-
sary to be added thereto and we are noways Doubtfull but
that his honour will in all respects Answer Your Lordships
And as we Cannot in Justice to the known Character of
Esqr Brooks be unconcerned on Account of the Dislike Yor
Ldp has taken at his so hasty Proceedings as you are pleased
to Stile them; so we take leave to Justifie his Conduct so far
as to Say that had he not taken that Early Care to qualifie
himself to take upon him the Government it would have been
a good Plea for Govr Hart to have refused the Delivery at
the Time prefixt by yor Ldp. And we Joyne with yor Ldp in a
firm belief e he had no private Views to the Disservices of Your
Ldp or the Peoples Interest. And we are Equally Touched at
the Malicious Reports Spread by the Enemies of Your Ldps
Government Touching the Suggestion of a Private Commis-
sion intended as a Reflection on your Ldps Conduct in Order
to Alienate the minds of his Majesties good Subjects and
your faithfull people here who are well assured Yor Ldps known
Wisdom Honr and Great Justice would not permit you to
think of such Sinster Measures, as are Suggested on that
Occasion. And seeing we are well Assured We should have
been happy under the Administracon of yor first Councellour

p. 53

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1720-1723
Volume 34, Page 107   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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