And was afterwards read again and thus Endorst viz:
Eod. die
Read again by Especiall Ordr & Past for Engrossing.
Signed p Ordr Mic: Jenifer Cl. Lo: Ho:
And Sent to the Committee of Laws to be Engrost per Colo
Col. Mackall from the Comittee of Laws Delivers Mr
Speaker a Supplementary Bill to the Act for Limitation of
Officers fees amended which was read and ordered to be thus
Endorst Viz:
By the Lower House of Assembly June the 8th 1717.
Read the Third time with the Amendments and past for
Signed per Ordr Mic: Jenifer Cl: Lo: Ho:
And Sent to the Committee of Laws to be Engrost.
Mr Tasker Delivers Mr Speaker the report of Samuell
Young Esqr Mr Benjamin Tasker and Mr John Beale which
was read and ordered to be entered as follows viz:
To the honble Lower House of Assembly.
We the Subscribers three of the persons mencon'd in the
Act of Assembly for the repair of the Publick Records of this
province &ca have (pursuant to the power given us by the said
Act) Agreed with Mr Evan Jones to be Chief undertaker for
the transcribing and Examining the Publick Records of this
Province at the rate of four Pounds of Tobacco p side for
transcribing and Examining, Computing seven words to a
Line and fifteen Lines to a side the said Jones to be allow'd
and paid every year at the Time of laying the Publick Levy for
what he shall transcribe and Examine, And for the said Jones'
faithfull performing the same we have taken bond in one
thousand Pounds Sterling with Majr John Bradford his
Suretie with Condition that the said Jones shall well and
Truly transcribe & Examine such Publick Records as shall
from time to time be Delivered to him According to the Orig-
inall Records without diminishing altering defacing or im-
bezeling the Same Originall Records or any Part thereoff or
Suffering the same so to be nor shall the said Jones employ
any Person or Persons whatsoever for transcribing and ex-
am [in] ing the said Records but such as shall first take their
Oaths for their faithfull Service in that Behalf and be ap-