Mr Hill from the Cofnittee of Accounts delivers Mr Speaker
the Journall of that Comittee which was read in the house and
ordered to be thus Endorsed viz:
By the Lower House of Assembly June the 8th 1717.
Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly And
Signed per Order Mic: Jenifer Cl: Lo: Ho.
And sent to the upper house by Capt Fendall and Mr
They return & say they delivered it.
Majr Harris from the Comittee of Laws delivers Mr
Speaker the following engrost Bills Viz.
An Engrost Bill ascertaining the Gauge and Tare of
Tobacco hhds &c. which was Sent to the upper House by Capt
Greenfield Capt ffendall and Mr ffrisby.
They return and say they delivered it.
An Engrost Bill for regulating Ordinaries, wch was sent to
the upper House [by] Mr Tyler & Mr Emerson.
They return and say they delivered it.
An Engrost Bill for the Publicacon of Marriages.
An Engrost Bill empowering John Oldham to build a
Wind mill
Which two Last mentioned Bills were sent to the upper
house by Majr Wilson & Mr Turbutt
They return & say they Delivered them.
Which said four Preceeding Bills were Severally thus en-
dorst Viz.
June the 8th 1717.
Read & Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly.
& Sign'd p Order Mic: Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.
A Supplementary Bill to the Act Ascertaining the bounds
of Lands within this Province read and ordered to be thus
endorst viz:
By the lower House of Assembly
June the 8th 1717
Read the second Time and will pass with the Amendmts
propos'd viz: that the Comissioners of review be allow'd but
100l Tobo p Day.
Signed per Order M: Jenifer G Lo. ho: