Yesterday's Proceedings are read.
Mr Tyler from the Comittee of Aggrievances delivers Mr
Speaker the following report from that Comittee, Viz:
By the Comittee of Aggrievances June the 4th 1717.
It is humbly offered to this Comittee as an Aggrievance that
Exrs and Admr are not Confin'd by any Strict Law of our
Country to Settle and make up Acct with the Comty under a
year and a day nor any Law to force the Exr or Admr to
deliver to the heirs a Proportionable part of the Ballance of
the Testator's Estate till the Accounts are fully Stated and
made up wch may not be done in Seven Years except the Exr
or Admr Pleases which is the greatest abuse as can be done to
Orphans. Therefore it is Prayed that an act may Pass to
force an Exr or Admr to deliver the Orphans upon giving in
the first Account a Proportionable Part of what then appears
to be due if the heir or heirs be at full age to demand the same
Provided the heirs give good Security to refund a Propor-
tionable part of wt Claims shall be justly made Appear by the
Exr or Admr, and tht no Injunction shall be brought in Chan-
cery to Delay any Orphans of their right there to remain
undetermined above two Courts.
It is also further Offered to this Comittee as an Aggriev-
ance that the Sherriffs of Severall County's doth purchase
Ordinary Keeper's Tobacco in their Severall Counties and
Scares the poor People with Execucon which abuses the poor
and Advances the Sherriffs the which is referr'd to the House
for their Consideration
It is also further Offered to this Comittee as an Aggriev-
ance that the Publick business of this Province of the Severall
Courts is so long Delayed that it is even a Discouragement to
the Suitors to seek for their Just right being many Times for
Six or Seven Years Depending which forces the Suitors many
Times to Agree their Causes to their great Disadvantage It
is therefore prayed that an Act may Pass to oblige all County
Courts to hear and Determine all Accons brought in their
Severall County Courts within Six months from the time of
Comenceing the said Action. And that the Provinciall Court
determine all Actions within twelve months From the Time of
Comencing the said Action. And all Actions brought in the
High Court of Chancery and before the Govr and Councill to
be determined in Eighteen months from Comencing the said
Accon or Struck off. Signed p Ordr
Richd Young Junr Clk.
Which being read the Consideracon thereof is referr'd to
next Sessions.