Which was read in this House and ordered to be thus
endorst Viz:
By the Lower House of Assembly June 7th 1717.
Read the third time by especiall Order and past for en-
Signed p Order Mic: Jenifer Cl Lo: ho:
And sent p Majr Robins to the Come of Laws to be engrost.
Coll Coursey from the upper house Delivers Mr Speaker
the Bill for the Publicacon of Marriages thus endorst Viz:
By the upper House of Assembly June 7th 1717.
Read & will Pass. Signed p ordr
Jno Beard Cl Up Ho:
Which was read again in this House and thus endorst viz:
By the Lower House of Assembly June the 7th 1717.
Read the third time by especiall Ordr and past for En-
Signed p Order Mic: Jenifer Cl Lo: Ho.
& sent up p Majr Robins to the Comittee of Laws to be engrost
Esqr Hall from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker a
Bill empowering Jno Oldham to build a Wind mill &ca thus
endorst viz:
By the Upper House of Assembly June the 7th 1717
Read in this house & will Pass. Signed p Ordr
Jno Beard Cl: Uppr Ho:
Which was read in this house and ordered to be thus endorst
By the Lower House of Assembly, June the 7th 1717.
Read the third Time by especiall Order & Past for Engros-
Signed p Order Mic: Jenifer Cl: Lo: H.
& sent p Majr Harris to the Come of Laws to be engrost.
The House Adjourns till to morrow morning Eight a Clock.
Saturday Morning June the 8th 1717
The house meet according to Adjournment who being called
Over appear as yesterday.