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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 91   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 91

A Bill empowering John Oldham to build a Wind Mill in
the Town of Oxford on the Strand read and Ordered to be
thus endorst viz.

By the lower House of Assembly June the 7th 1717.

Read the first and Second Times by especiall Order and
will pass
Signed p Order Mic: Jenifer Cl: Lo: ho.

And sent to the Upper House by Colo Scott and Mr Young.
They return and say they delivered it.
Coll Tilghman from the upper House delivers Mr Speaker a
Supplementary Bill (Prepared in tht House) to the Act Ascer-
taining the bounds of Land within this Province which was
read the first time & Ordrd a Second Reading.
Coll Holland from the upper House delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message Viz:

By the upper House of Assembly June 7th 1717.

Gent. His Excy having Comunicated to this House the
following Instruccon from the Lord Propry we recomend it
to the Consideracon of your House viz:
Whereas eight p Cent without our Privity or Knowledge
has been deducted out of the eighteen Pence p hhd, and as it
were against our Consent, when the Condicon on which we
declared to you that We were willing to agree to the Law made
in our ever Honoured Father's Lifetime was provisionally
that the mony given by the new intended Law should be made
payable to ourselves and nothing being at all then or therein
Menconed of a Deduction for the Navall Officers for their
Collecting thereof And We having then ready Officers of our
own whose Sallarys for the year We must pay and who was
Suffered to Collect the Tonage of Ships only We think it just
and equitable that the said Eight p Cent be made good to us
and Cannot think it either becomes the Navall Officers or
anybody for them to be their own Carvers But that they
ought to leave us to give our own Officers what We think fit
for their Service.
Signed p Ordr Jno Beard Cl: Upp Ho:

Colo Holland from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker
a Bill for the relief of George Walls thus endorst Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly June 7th 1717.

Read in this House and will pass. Signed p Order
Jno Beard Cl:Upr Ho:

L. H. J.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 91   View pdf image (33K)
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