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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 84   View pdf image (33K)
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84 Assembly Proceedings, May 28- June 8, 1717.

L. H. J.

Lpps Scales &ca wth the Amendments which was thus endorst
By the lower House of Assembly June the 6th 1717
Read the second time wth the Amendmts and will pass.
Signed p Order. Mic: Jenifer Cl: Lo: Ho.

Which was Sent to the upper house by Coll Mackall Mr
Charles Wright & Capt Fendall.
They return and say the delivered it.
Majr Robins from the Comittee of Laws delivers Mr
Speaker a Bill for the Publicacon of Marriages which was
read in the house and ordered a Second reading to morrow,
Which was. So endors'd.
Coll Coursey & Coll Smith from the upper house Deliver Mr
Speaker a Bill for the regulacon of Ordinaries with the follow-
ing Message Viz:

By the upper house of Assembly
June 6th 1717
On reading the Bill from Your house by Capt Colegate and
three others for regulating of Ordinaries His Excy was
pleased to say to this House as follows.
The Lord Propry in the IIth Article of my Instruccons
already Laid before you asserts the Ordinary Lycences to be
undoubtedly in his Lpp and then disposes of them as his Lpp
thinks fitt being a Branch of his Prerogative and therefore I
cannot in his Lpps name Pass this Bill into an Act which takes
from his Lpps right and gives it to him only as a Complement
and hope the lower House will think Convenient to alter some
part of the preamble to this Bill. Whereupon you may per-
ceive that the Law Cannot pass with the Preamble as it now
Stands and We must further observe to you that We are of
opinion that the right of granting Ordinary Lycences is in
the Lord Propry nothing having yet appear'd to us Shewing
the Contrary. But if you Cannot Come up to our Opinion We
Desire you'll join in a Conferrence with some members of this
House, whereby We hope to Convince you of the reasonable-
ness thereof.
Signed p Order
Jno Beard Cl: Upp. Ho:

Whereupon Mr Tyler Coll Mackall Capt. Codd Coll Max-
well Mr Hill and Capt Colegate are appointed Conferrees and
ordered the following Message be prepaired Viz:

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 84   View pdf image (33K)
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