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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 83   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 83

Colo Holland from the upper House Delivers Mr Speaker a
Supplementary Bill to the act for Limitacon of Officers flees
thus endorst Viz:

By the upper House of Assembly June 6th 1717.

Read the first Time and will Pass with the Amendmts Pro-
pos'd viz: (The Officer to loose such fees if exprest in Words
cutt off or abreviated and if any the Publick Officers of this
Province haveing made out his fees in abreviated Words con-
trary to the true Intent and meaning of this act that then such
Officer insisting on the levying such fees as Afd shall be fined
five hundred Pounds of Tobacco) and whereas Complaint has
been made to his Excy by his Majtys Comissioners of the
Customes in great Brittain of the Fees taken by the Navall
Officers and Collectors in this Province this board has pro-
ceeded to settle the Collectors fees as Appears by the List
herewith sent to which his Majtys Surveyour Generall being
present gave his approbacon as being just and reasonable also
the Navall Officers fees being Setled by this house as by the
list likewise sent are both recomended to you to be added to
this act. Signed -p Order
Jno Beard Cl up ho

On reading the Peto of the Vestry of Saint Ann's Parish
praying Leave of this House to make use of the Publick Pews
in that Parish Church at their Discretion. The Question was
put whether the same shall be granted or rejected.
Resolved the same be rejected by the Majority of Votes.
Whereupon the same Peticon is rejected.
Bill for Laying an Addl Duty on Irish Papists and Negroes
was read with Amendments and Ordrd to be thus endorsed
By the lowr house of Assembly June the 6th 1717

Read the third time by especiall order and past for engros-
ing. Signed p order Mic: Jenifer Cl: Lo Ho

Which was Sent to the Comittee of Laws to be engrost.
The Petition of Edwd Smith praying a further allowance
than what was formerly agreed on for repairing the Prison.
Ordered the Comittee of Accots Allow him five Pounds
Currt mony.
Cull Mackall from the Come of Laws delivers Mr Speaker
A Bill for the Punishment of such as shall Counteract his

L. H. J.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 83   View pdf image (33K)
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