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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 76   View pdf image (33K)
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76 Assembly Proceedings, May 28- June 8, 1717.

L. H. J.

We do report that We have examined all the Laws We can
find in the Secretaries Office made in the Time of the Lord
Baltemore's Goverment and do not find any Law made in
that Year to that Purpose nor any other Except one Law made
at a Sessions of Assembly in the yeare 1640 And one other
Law made in the year 1649 which Laws We lay before your
Excy and Honrs for your Perusuall the one recorded in W H
folio 8 and the other in a Parchment covered Book folio 147.

By the upper House of Assembly, June the 4th 1717.

Gent: On reading the within report 'tis the Opinion of this
House that there ought to be Law to Punish the Countifeiters
of his Lpp's greater Scale Privy Seale, or sign manuall or any
other of the Publick Scales of this Province and leave it to
your Consideracon in what manner to bring in the Bill.
Signed p Order Jno Beard Cl: Uppr Ho:

Ordered the Comittee of Laws prepare a Bill Accordingly.
Mr Bordley from the Comittee of Laws delivers Mr Speaker
a Bill Ascertaining the Gauge and Tare of tobacco hhds &c.
which was read the first Time and Ordered a Second Reading
to Morrow morning.
Sent to the upper House by Capt Codd & Mr Young the
following Message Viz:

By the Lower House of Assembly June the 4th 1717.
May it Please Yor Honrs
We have duly inspected and Perused the Act for the Better
Security of the Peace and Safety of his Lpp's Goverment &c.
menconed in Yours p Coll. Addison and find by the Preamble
that the Intent and meaning thereof is Exprest to be for the
Excludeing all Persons from the executing any the Judiciall
and Ministeriall Offices of the Goverment who shall not
Qualifie themselves according to that Act, And that the Pro-
hibition in the body of the Act is that in Case any person or
persons whatsoever shall presume to execute or enjoy any
Such Office Deputacon or Trust Contrary to the true Intent
and meaning of that Act that then they are Lyable to the
Penalties therein menconed. Upon which We are humbly of
Opinion that any Trust in Private Affairs can never be pre-
sumed to be within the Intent and Meaning of that Act but
are Sufficiently exempted by the Express Words thereof And
therefore we Concurr with the Opinion of your House.
Signed p Order Mic. Jenifer Cl Lo. Ho.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 76   View pdf image (33K)
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