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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 75   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 75

Government and the Protestant Intrest within this Province
there are these words following tht no person or persons
whatsoever shall be Capable of holding executing or enjoying
any Office Deputacon or Trust wthin this Province what-
soever shall presume to execute or Enjoy any such Office
Deputacon or trust Contrary to the true Intent and Meaning
of this Present Act the Comrs Deputacon or Authority of such
Person or Persons is made void And he or they are to suffer
the penalties as by the said Act is Declared which words to
some seem so generall that they Think the Trusts Authorities
or Powers granted Between Man and Man in their Private
Transactions may be Affected thereby which is Surely more
than what is Consonant to the Laws of Great Brittain. You
are therefore to endeavour the said act be reenacted with this
follo [proviso] or that some Declaratory Law or C[1] ause in a
Law be made to the same Effect.
Provided nevertheless that this Present Act or any thing
therein Contained shall not extend or be Construed to extend
to the negotiation or Management of the Private Affairs of
any person or persons whatsoever so as Such Negotiation or
Management shall not in any wise relate to the Administracon
of the Goverment of this province.
And Having put the Question to this House whether there
is anything contained in that act thl can be Deemed or Con-
strued to extend that the trusts Authorities or powers granted
between Man and Man in their Private Transactions is Af-
fected thereby.
Tis by this house answered that, that Act has no relacon
to any authorities or Powers Granted between Man and Man
in their Private Transactions.
We having offered you this our Opinion Desire the Opinion
of your House likewise hereon.
Signed p Ordr Jno Beard Cl up ho:

Coll Hynson Appears in the House.
Colo Smyth from the upper House Delivers Mr Speaker the
following Message on a report made to that house by Colo
Young Capt Greenfield and Mr Lloyd Viz. Pursuant to an
Order of the upper House of Assembly, Dated the 3d of June
1717 Mr Jas Lloyd and Capt Thomas Truman Greenfield are
appointed by the lower House of Assembly to join with the
Honble Samuell Young Esqr Appointed by the upper House to
inspect into the Laws of Maryland for a Law made in the
year 1681 for the Punishment of such as should Presume to
Counterfeit his Lpp's great Scale of this Province.

L. H. J.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 75   View pdf image (33K)
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