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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 636   View pdf image (33K)
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636 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.

L. H. J

. formed of those aggrievances, than we Can Suppose any other
person to be but since you generally reject it, without Assign-
ing any particular Cause with which (if reasonable) we might
have agreed We shall Content ourselves with haveing Dis-
charged our duty to our Country and leave it to you to Con-
sider how far you have discharged yours.
Signed p Ordr Joh Beale Cl up: Ho.

Philemon Lloyd from the upper house Delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message Viz:

By the upper house of Assembly

April 22d 1720.
We observe the Act for Regulateing Ordinaries &c Recom-
mended to Continue by their Lordships Speech will expire in
September next if not revived and Desire you will Consider
if there are not other Acts under the Like Circumstances that
ought to be revived.
Signed p Order John Beale Cl: Up: Ho.

John Hall Esqr from the upper house Delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message Viz:

p. 81

By the Upper house of Assembly

April 22d 1720

We take it our duty to propose to your House that an ad-
dress of both houses by way of Answer to their Lordships
Speech be prepared and Desire your Concurrence.
Signed p Order Joh Beale Cl. Up: Ho:

Thereupon the Question was put whether this house shall
joyn with the Upper house or not.
Carried in the Affirmative by the Majority of Votes and
ordered the following Message be prepared Viz:

By the Lower House of Assembly April 22d 1720.
May it please Your Honours
This House Concurs with your Honours proposalls men-
tioned in your Message of this day by Esqr Hall in joining in
an Address by way of answer to their Lordships Speech, and

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 636   View pdf image (33K)
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