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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 635   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 635

Twelve months for the Recovery of his health, which we have
herewith Sent that you may not Labour under any Misappre-
hensions Concerning it. We Desire you to peruse and return
Signed p Order Joh. Beale Cl: Up. Ho.

The house Adjourns till one of the Clock in the afternoon

Post Meridiem.
The House meet According to Adjournment.
The Question was put, whether the former Vote on the three
pence p Ton shall be reassumed or not.
Carried in the affirmative by the Majority of Votes.
This house on Reassuming their former Vote on the 3d p
Ton agree Nemine Contradicente that his Excellency the
Governour has a right to the said three pence p Ton so long
as he Shall continue Governour And ordered the following
Message be prepared Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
April 22d 1720

May it please your Honours
This house on reassumeing their former Vote on the Three

L. H. J.

pence p Ton agree Nemine Contradicente that his Excellency
the Governour has a right to the said three pence p Ton so
long as he shall Continue Governour, tho we Concurr with
your Honours that neither your opinions nor ours can alter
the Plain Signification of the Law itself.
Signed p ordr M: Jenifer Cl. Lo: Ho

and sent to the upper house by Mr Garrett and three more.
They return and Say they Delivered it.
Col Ward from the upper house Delivers Mr Speaker the
following Message Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly
April 22d 1720.
It is a great Concern to us that you seem to reject the ad-
dress prepared, by the Conferrence appointed for that purpose
which we are induced to believe would have been of great
Service to our Country no man being fitter to Negotiate that
Affair than his Excellency who undoubtedly is better In-

p. 80

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 635   View pdf image (33K)
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