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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 634   View pdf image (33K)
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634 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.

L. H. J.

Thomas Bordley Esqr from the upper House Delivers Mr
Speaker the following Message Viz:

By the Upper House of Assembly
April 22d 1720
It seems you have much Mistaken by your answer of the
19th Instant to our Message of the 15th your Answer seeming
to relate to matters not touched on by but very forreigne to
that Message and the Explanation his Excellency therein
desired, not at all given which was that your house would
Explain what their Conferrees did mean in the Report from
their Conferrence, by Saying That this Sessions was likely
very Speedily to Conclude, which his Excellency takes to be
his prerogative to Determine, and therefore desires your fur-
ther consideration of That matter
Signed p Order Joh Beale Cl. Up. ho:

Collo Ward from the Upper house Delivers Mr Speaker the
following Message viz.

By the Upper house of Assembly
April the 22d 1720

We have observed the Governours Gardainer has been very

p. 79

Serviceable and Curious in the makeing Levelling and Rolling
the Shell Walk before the Publick buildings for which the
Country has never been Charged any thing tho he has been
very Diligent and Laborious therein we therefore recommend
it to you that he have some reasonable Allowance made him as
a Recompence for such his Service.
Signed p Order Joh Beale Cll. Up. Ho.

Thereupon ordered the Committee for laying the Publick
Levy allow the Gardner the sume of Six pounds Currant

John Hall Esqr from the upper house Delivers Mr Speaker
the following Message (with the Letter of Licence therein
menconed) Viz.

By the upper house of Assembly
April the 22d 1720.

We have obtained his Excellency Leave to Communicate to
you his Majestys Royall Lycence for him to be absent for

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 634   View pdf image (33K)
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