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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 629   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 629

Coll Young and two more from the upper house Deliver
Mr Speaker the following Message Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly
April the 2 Ist 1720.
His Excy haveing Communicated to us their Lordships
Speech lately received, it is herewith Communicated to you.

Signed p Order John Beale Cl up: ho:

Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower houses of Assembly.

Baltemore |
Guilford. | On Due Consideration of the Act of Assembly
intituled an Act for Ascertaining the bounds of Lands within

L. H. J.

this Province We find it Absolutely Necessary to recommend
to you to Explain or reenact the said Law that whilst you are
endeavouring to Secure and quiet men in their Possessions
you do not so bind them down to the Determination of Com-
missioners to be appointed by Virtue of the Act as to make
their Sentence finall without appeal (except Conditionally to
his Majesty in Councill as by the said Act is Provided to
whose sacred person every Man ought to be at Liberty to
address themselves without our intermeddleing therewith, by
Acts of Assembly) whereby in a manner you even shut up the
Courts of Justice, which can never Correspond with the Lib-
erty of a free people, or be Deemed Consonant to the Laws of
Great Britain, the Standard by which we are all obliged to
Govern our Councills, among the Severall Laws made at a
Session of Assembly in May Last, we have thought fitt to Dis-
sent to the Act Entituled An Act for relief of John Beale of
Charles County Gent and Richard Beale a minor and do here-
by Declare the same null void and of no effect, forasmuch as
the Legislature of Great Britain never Interferes to Dispose
of property without Consent of all parties leaving every mans
right to be ruled by the knowne Laws of the Land.
And as we can never more certainly Demonstrate the reall
Confidence we have in the good people of Maryland than by
freely communicateing our Sentiments on the proceedings of
you their Representatives, we now Signify that altho we have

not yet Dissented to the late Act made for Limitation of Offi-
cers fees, yet we cannot in our Judgments approve thereof,
well knowing that 'tis neither for our honour or the peoples
Interest in the Dispatch of their business, that Publick Min-
isters should be deprived of those allowances which by the

p. 73

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 629   View pdf image (33K)
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