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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 630   View pdf image (33K)
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630 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.

L. H. J.

Law they have Enjoyed and which ought not only to be Suffi-
cient to pay them for their Labour but large Enough to En-
courage Industry and Integrity in men of Ability to Admin-
ister the Affairs of the Government whether actually reside-
ing within the Province or attending the person of your Lord
and Proprietary where ever he is.
Gentlemen. The Ease we find in the Receipt of the Severall

p. 74

Duties on Tobacco Settled in lieu of your quit Rents and Al-
lienation fines and the better to Enable us to Support our Gov-
ernment, whereby your are Protected together with the Great
benefit and advantage the poorer and more numerous part of
the Inhabitants of our Province Reap from thence in the non
payment of their Rents as Reserved has induced us for the
common good to Consent and recommend to you to pass a
Law for the Continuance of the Act Entituled an Act ascer-
taining the Gauge and Tare of Tobacco hoghsheads &c to

Commence and remain in force for three years to Come from

the Expiration of the said Act whereby the aforesaid Duties
arise and we cannot think you need to be put in mind to con-
tinue the Act for regulating of Ordinaries for the reasons
among many others recited in the preamble thereof.
We are much Concerned Gentlemen that you our friends
and Tenants his Majestys good Subjects can have no Expecta-
tion of Benefit from the duty of one penny p pound laid on
Tobacco transported from plantation to plantacon, his Late
Majesty King William of Glorious Memory haveing by Let-
ters patents, under the great Scale of England Setled the same
for ever on the College of Virginia, but do not doubt with your
Assistance by our own power to Establish such a Fund for En-
couragement of Learning in Maryland as not only to answer
the very pious and worthy Design of Supporting the Free
School already built at Annapolis but to make it so Effectually
usefull that your owne Children there made Capable may reap
the advantage of dischargeing the Severall Offices of Govern-
ment both in Church and State to the Conversion of your
neighbours and fellow Citizens from the Superstition of the
Church of Rome and to the manifest good of us all in the
Equall Distribution of Justice.

The house Adjourns till to morrow morning Eight of the

Friday Morning April the 22, 1720
The House meet according to Adjournment.
Yesterday's proceedings are Read.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 630   View pdf image (33K)
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