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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 626   View pdf image (33K)
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626 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.

L. H. J.

Collo Young and two others Delivers Mr Speaker his Ex-
cellencys Letter to the Lower House Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly
April the 21st 1720.
His Excellency Desires to Communicate to you his Letter
to this house which is as followeth.

I am Surprized at the reasons offered by the Lower House
for not advanceing me the money on the 3d p hhd. I must
acquaint you I am well Informed their Lordships Cannot
Superseed my Commission, without the Approbation of the
Crowne, now his Majesty has not yet Signified his Pleasure
any otherways than by his Lycence that I might return for
Twelve months for the Recovery of my health, and has made
no provision but in Case of my absence which is Left at Dis-
It is true Mr Rozer a profest papist has declared he has
done my business, which is the only Notice I have of my being
Superceeded, Now I hope the Commission of a Governour of
Maryland, does not depend on that Malicious and Insignificant
man. If it does the Lord have Mercy on you. The Lower
House have acted very Cautiously as to Saveing their money
but I shall leave it to time to reveal the Consequence of such
Parsimony, though I can't help saying I thought I had De-
served at least so much of Maryland that their Representatives
might have done me a favour which I am pswaded no private
friend would have refused me on less Obligations. I shall

P. 70

Conclude wth this remark, that as their Lordships had made no
Provision for my Support at my return but the 3d p hhd I
Could not have thought the Lower house would have frus-
trated his Lordship's Intentions when my Request was no
damage to the Country

J Hart
Signed p Ordr Joh Beale Cl Up Ho.

Esqr Lloyd and Mr Bordley from the LTpper House Delivers
Mr Speaker the following Message Viz.

By the Upper house of Assembly
April the 21st 1720.

In pursuance of your Message by Collo Mackall and Seven
others of this Instant wee have Appointed Phil Lloyd and
Thomas Bordley Esqrs of our house to Joyne with such of the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 626   View pdf image (33K)
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