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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 625   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 625

Thursday Morning April the 21st 1720
The House Meet According to Adjournment.
Yesterdays proceedings are Read.
Thomas Bordley Esqr from the upper house Delivers Mr
Speaker the follo Message

By the Upper house of Assembly April the 21st 1720.

Gent. The cause of your Sorrow Exprest in your Message
of the 19th Instant by Mr Tyler and five others Seems to be
attended with one happy Circumstance (to witt) that it is in
your owne power to remove it but whether you Agree with us
in that opinion or not we desire you to reflect on and more
Maturely Consider the Reasons you offer in the Latter part
of that Message and to regard them in their Consequence and
to recollect some former resolutions of your house that we may
be favoured with your farther Sentiments on that Matter.
Signed p ordr Joh Beale Cl. Up. Ho.

On Debateing yesterday's Message,
The Question was put whether this house will Enter into
any further Measures with the Upper House in makeing a
further Representation of the aggrievances Complained of.
Carryed in the affirmative by the Majority of Votes, and
that the Representation be made to the agent and ordered the
following Message be prepared Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
April the 21st 1720.

May it please Your Honours

L. H. J.

On Considering the Message of yesterday by Coll Young
and three others of your Honourable Members this House is
ready to Concurr with your Honours in makeing a further
Representation of the Aggrievances Complained of to our
Agent whose duty we take it to be to Represent things of that
nature, and Desire that the Gent that are to be appointed on
that Occasion may proceed thereon Immediately.
Signed p Ordr M: Jenifer Cl. Lo: Ho.

And Sent to the upper house by Collo Mackall and Seven

They return and say they Deliverd it.

P. 69

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 625   View pdf image (33K)
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