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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 541   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 541

And sent to the Lowr house by Col Addison who returns
and says he Delivered the Same
The Bill Impowering a Comittee to lay Assess and Appor-
tion the Publick Levey for this Prsent year Seventeen hundred
& Twenty being read is thus Written Viz.

Aprill the 21st 1720
Read & Assented to by the Upper house of Assembly and
Signed p Ordr Jo. Beale Cl. Up. Ho.

The House Adjourns until One of the Clock in the After-

Post Merediem
The House meett according to Adjournment
His Excy the Governour

U. H. J.

Col Holland
Col Young

Esqr Hall &
Col Ward

Mr Caldwell & Mr Tasker from the Lower House deliver
his Excellency the following Message Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly Aprill the 2 Ist 1720

May It Please Your Honrs
In Ansr to the Observacon your Hon" have been pleased to
make on that part of our Answer to Your Message of the 19th
Instant Wherein we observe we should be wanting in duty to
his Lordp as well as be drawn into Measures prejudiciall to
the Interest of the Govr who may hereafter preside Over us,
Our meaning as to that part was no Other than whereas the 3d
p hhd hath been for a Considerable time given to the Govrs
who have presided Over us And since to our present Govr
dureing his Government in & over this Province: The Gentle-
man that Succeeds may perhaps very Justly move us to bestow
the same Allowance on him which by the measures proposed
will be out of our Powers to Comply with And may very
Justly lay us under his Displeasure wch we Ought as we Con-
ceive to be very Caref ull to Avoid and we assure your Honrs it
was never our Opinions that the duty of 3d p hhd is a profitt
by Right incident to the Station of a Govr, as we believe will
appear by the resolutions Entred on our Journalls upon his
Excellencys first Accession to this Governmt
Signed p Ordr M Jenifer Cl. Lo Ho.

P. 92

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 541   View pdf image (33K)
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