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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 542   View pdf image (33K)
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542 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.


Mr Tyler & Col Herman from the Lower House Deliver
Col Holland An Engrost Supplementary Bill to the Act In-
tituled an Act for Settling a Revennue on her Majesty's Pres-
ent Govr
To which is thus Written Viz.
Aprill the 21st 1720

Read and Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly
And Signed p Order M Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

His Excy on what he has acquainted this house this day
Concerning the Opinion of the Lower House about the 3d p

p. 93

Tonn Demands the opinion of this house who resolve Nemine
Contradicente that the 3d p Tonn belongs to the present Gov-
ernour So long as he Continues Governour being within the
Express words of the Law Viz it being to the Govr for the
time being.
His Excellency the Governr Comunicates to this house the
following Speech Viz.

Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly
Baltimore! On due Consideration of the Act of Assembly
Guilford JEntituled An Act for Ascertaining Bounds of
Land within this Province we find It absolutely necessary to
recomend to you to Explain or reenact the said Law that
whilst you are Endeavouring to Secure & Quiett men in their
Possessions you do not bind them down to the Determination
of Comissioners to be appointed by Vertue of the said Act, as
to make their Sentence finall without Appeale (Except Con-
ditionally to his Majesty in Councill as by the sd Act is Pro-
vided, To whose Sacred pson every Man Ought to be at
Liberty to Address themselves without our Intermedling
therewith by Acts of Assembly) whereby in a manner you
even Shutt up the Courts of Justice which can never Corre-
spond with the Liberty of a free People or be deemed Con-
sonant to the Laws of Great Brittain the Standard by which
we are all Obliged to Govern our Councills.
Among the Severall Laws made att a Sessions of Assembly
in May Last we have thought fitt to dissent to the Act En-
tituled an Act for the Reliefe of John Beale of Charles County
Gentl. & Richd Beale a minor and Doe hereby Declare the
same Null Void & of no Effect fforasmuch as the Legislature

P. 94

of Great Brittain never Interferes to dispose of Property
without Consent of all Parties, leaving Every man's right to
be Ruled by the Known Laws of the Land.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 542   View pdf image (33K)
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