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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 540   View pdf image (33K)
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540 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.

U. H. J.

I shall conclude with this remark that as their Ldships had
made no pvision for my Support at my return but the 3d p hhd
I could not have thought the Lower house would have frus-
trated his Lordships intentions when my request was no
Damage to the Country.
Signed p Ordr Jno Beale Cl. Up. Ho.

And Sent to the Lowr house by Col Young Esqr Hall & Col
Ward who return and Say they Delivered the Same.
His Excellency acqts this House that Mr Speaker has in-
formed him that the Lower House have Declared their Opin-
ion by a Vote that the 3d p Tonn does not belong to the Govr
for the time being but Imediately Devolves on the pson acting
in his Absence.

By the Uppr house of Assembly Aprill the 2 Ist 1720

In pursuance of Your Message by Col Mackall and seven
Others of this Instant we have appointed Phil. Lloyd & Thos
Bordley Esqrs of our House to Joyne with such of the Membrs
of your house as you shall think fitt to proceed upon the Ad-
dress proposed
Signed p Ordr Jno Beale Cl Up Ho.

And Sent by Phil Lloyd Esqr & Thos Bordley Esqr to the
Lower House who return & Say they Delivered it
Col Mackall wth three others Deliver his Excy the following
Message Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly

Aprill the 21st 1720
May It Please Your Honrs

P. 91

We have appointed Col John Mackall Col Nathan Hynson
Major Richard Colegate and Mr. Ralph Crabb to Joyne the
membrs proposed by your Honrs who are ready to Attend.
Signed p Order M Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

A Supplementary Bill to the Act Entituled An Act for Set-
ing a Revenue on her Majesty's psent Governour is thus
Endorst Viz.

By the Upper house of Assembly Aprill the 21st 1720

Read and will pass
Signed p Ordr Jno Beale Cl Up Ho.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 540   View pdf image (33K)
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