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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 539   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 539

that Message & to regard them in their Consequence and to
recollect some former resolutions of your House that we may

U. H. J.

be favoured with your farther Sentiments on that matter
Signed p Ordr Jno Beale Cl. Up Ho.

Sent to the Lower House by Esqr Bordley who returns &
Says he delivered the same
Col Mackall and Seven more from the Lower house deliver
his Excy the following Message Viz.

By the Lowr House of Assembly Aprill the 21st 1720
May It Please Your Honrs
On Considering your Message of yesterday by Col Young
and three other of your Honble membrs this house is ready to
Concurr with your Honrs in makeing a farther representation
of the Aggrievances Complained of to our Agent whose duty
we take it to be to represent things of that nature & Desire
that the Gentl. that are to be appointed on that Occasion may
pceed thereon Imediately
Signed p Ordr M. Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.

By the Uppr House of Assembly
Aprill the 21st 1720
Gentln. His Excellency Desires us to Communicate to you
his Letter to this house which is as follows Viz.

Gent. I am Surprized by the reasons Offered by the Lower
House for not Advancing me the money on the 3d p hhd I
must Acquaint you I am well informed their Lordships Can-
not Superseede my Comission without the Approbation of
the Crown now his Majesty has not yet Signified his Pleasure
Any Otherways than by his Lycence that I might [return]
for Twelve months for the Recovery of my Health And has
made no pvision but in Case of my Absence which is left at
It is true Mr Rozier a professed Papist has declared he has
done My Business which is the only notice I have of my
Being Superseeded, now I hope the Comission of a Govr of
Maryland does not Depend on that malicious & Insignificant
man. If it does Lord Have mercy on you The Lower House
have Acted very Cautiously as to Saving their mony, But I

P. 89

shall Leave it to Time to reveale The Consequence of such
Parsimony, tho I cannot help saying I thought I had Deserved
at least so much of Maryland that their representatives might
have done me a favour which I am p swaded no private friend
would have refused me on less Obligations.

P. 90

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 539   View pdf image (33K)
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