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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 538   View pdf image (33K)
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538 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.

U. H. J.

in a matter of so great Importance to the Welfare of the
Inhabitants of this Province Being of Opinion that 'tis much
Easier & better to prevent an Aggrievance than to be put to the
necessity of seeking redress after we have Suffered it
We cannot conceive that the Debts being sold, or Mr Mac-
nemara's Death can be any Security agt the like Aggrievances
for the future, because Undoubtedly those psons who have
purchased those Debts (if any such there be) will be very
Vigilant for the recovery of them and we have too much
reason to fear they may be readily Supplyed with some pson
to psecute them whose Principles and Practices may be as
pernicious as Mr Macnemara's.
We take this Matter to be yett of more Concern to this

p. 88

province since His Excy the Govr our then Chancellor seems
Charged by the sd Comrs with Obstructing his Majesty's Ser-
vice in these matters He acted no Otherwise in relation thereto
than as Judge in Chancery and we must Account it a most
fatall Enemy to Impartial Justice if the Consciences of our
Judges should be Influenced by any Power to a Conformity
with any Interest whatever the Consequences deserve Your
Signed p Ordr Jno Beale Cl Up ho.

Sent to the Lower house by Col Young Esqr Hall Col. Ad-
dison & Esqr Lloyd who return and Say they delivered the

The House Adjourns untill to morrow morning Eight a

Thursday morning Aprill the 21st 1720
The House meett according to Adjournmt

Col Holland

Col Addison

Col Young

Col Ward &

Esqr Hall

Esqr Bordley

By the Upper House of Assembly

Aprill the 2 Ist 1720

Gentl. The Cause of your Sorrow Exprest in your Mes-
sage of the 19th Instant by Mr Tyler & five others Seems to be
attended with one happy Circumstance (to Witt) that It is in
your power to remove it, But whether you Agree with us in
that Opinion or not we desire you to reflect on and more
maturely Consider the reasons you Offer in the Latter part of


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 538   View pdf image (33K)
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