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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 537   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 537

To which is thus written Viz.

Aprill the 20th 1720
Read & Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly and
Signed p order M Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

Mr Tyler & Mr Dashiell Deliver his Excy the following Mes-
sage Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly

Aprill the 20th 1720
May It Please Your Excy and Honrs

This house highly Applaud your Excy and Honrs proceed-
ings relateing to the Papists as a means to Secure & Establish
to the Protestants their Just rights against any future Claime
of right the Papists may pretend in this Province which they
Alledged are infringed and willingly Concurr with your Excy
and honrs in the wise and prudent measures taken & proceeded
on in that Affair And therefore return our hearty thanks to
Your Excy and Honrs for the same.
Signed p Ordr M Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

Mr Lee & Mr Mariarttee from the Lowr House Acquaint his
Excellency that their house have nothing before them of Con-

By the Upper house of Assembly
Aprill the 20th 1720
Gent. We are glad we have proposed the means by which

U. H. J,

you Allow we might be Enabled to represent with great Clear-
ness the Aggrievances treated of in Your message of the 19th
Instant by Col Mackall and five Others But are Obliged by
the ties of Duty to our Country And for the Sake of preserv-
ing a Concurrence of Sentiments with you to Acquaint you
with our Objections to yr Reasons for desireing any further
Representation of those Aggrievances that this Country has
Already Sufferd till they may happen to be repeated
We find by the Letter of the Honble the Com" of trade to
their Lordships that we have Laboured under the Censure of
partiality in Accounting the Proceedings of Maurice Birch-
field Esqr Aggrievous to the Country when the Com" (as is
declared by their Letter) have Examined into his Conduct
And do not find he has done any more than his Duty, But
forasmuch as we have reason to believe that the Conclusion
of the Honble the Comrs afd proceeds from the want of a Clear
Representation of that Affair being Laid before them We
therefore the more Earnestly press your Concurrence with us

p. 87

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 537   View pdf image (33K)
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