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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 533   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 533

or Saturday morning last, Upon his Oath to him admrstred de-
clares that on Friday Night last Mr Henry Darnall Senr & Mr
Charles Diggs Supt at his house And on the sd Friday night
he saw Mr Benjn Hall & Mr Clement Hill in this Town & on
Saturday morning Mr Charles Diggs was likewise at his house.
Aprillthe 19th 1720
The Above Deposit" Sworn to before his Excy in this house
Signed p Ordr Jno Beale Cl Up Ho.

U. H. J.

Likewise Mrs Ann Hutton being sent for before this House
to give an Account of what Papists were at her House on
Friday night or Saturday morning last upon her Oath to her
Administred declares that Mr Henry Darnall Senr & she be-
lieves Mr Charles Diggs was at her house on ff riday Night last
and on Saturday morning last was at her house a Gentl that
she took to be Mr Wm Diggs & on Friday night Mr Darnall
asked her for Mr Benj. Hall who told him that there was a
Gentl up Stairs with Esqr Brooke upon which Mr Darnall
sayd he believed that was Mr Hall
Aprillthe 19th 1720
Sworne to before his Excellcy in this House
Signed p Order John Beale Cl Up Ho.

His Excellency and this house Observe on the aforegoing
proceedings that Altho the most Eminent of the Papists were
in town at the Time appointed them to make good their
Pretentions yet they have not thought fitt to Appear then or
at any time since to Offer any thing in Vindication of their
Pretended rights And therefore take this their Demeanour
as a tacite Acknowledgment that their Pretensions are
groundless and their Exclamations Most unreasonable.

By the Upper House of Assembly
Aprill 20th 1720
Gent. On reading the Engrost Bill for reviving and Con-
tinuing the Act Entituled An Act for Ascertaining the Gauge
and Tare of Tobo hhds&c.
We have Examined & Considered the Act intended to be
revived by that Bill and find the Bill proposed instead of
Reviving the Act as it now Stands alters the nature of its
Continuance which was at first founded on an Instruction.

p. 81

We therefore propose as an Amendmt to that Bill that the
time of its Continuance be Limitted in the same manner as it
was in the Orriginall Act Viz. to Continue from the 29th

p. 82

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 533   View pdf image (33K)
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