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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 534   View pdf image (33K)
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534 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.

U. H.J.

Septemr next untill the 29th day of Septemr wch shall be in the
year of our Lord God 1721
Signed p Order Jno Beale Cl Up Ho.

Which Mesasge with the said Engrost Bill is sent to the
Lower House by Esqr Hall who returns & Says he delivered
the same.
The Bill to Confirm a Deed of Bargain and Sale from Fran-
cis Swanson to Thos Plumer being read is thus Endorst Viz.

By the Upper house of Assembly Aprill 20th 1720

This House being informed that Mr John Gerrard's Orphan
who is a minor is Concerned in the within Bill And for that the
Bill Directs not the Recording of the Deed therein mentioned
And the Confirmation of such Record when made as has been
the frequent approved practice In such Cases therefore it is
the Opinion of this House it ought to be referred to further
Signed p Ordr John Beale Cl Up Ho.

Sent to the Lowr house by Esqr Lowe who returns and
Says he delivered the same
Mr Lloyd and Mr Mackall from the Lower House deliver
his Excy, The Engrost Bill for reviving and Continuing the
Act Entituled an Act for ascertaining the Gauge & Tare of
Tobo hhds &c with the following message Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly Aprill 20th 1720
May It Please Your Honrs

p. 83

This House Concurrs with your Honrs in the Amending the
Engrost Bill for reviveing the Act for Ascertaining the
Gauge & Tare of Tobo hhds &c. therewith sent and have made
the Alterations Accordingly
Signed p Ordr M Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

Mr Hill and Mr Tasker from the Lower House deliver Col
Holland, The Engrost Bill for giveing time to the Sevll
Tradesmen &c. to which is thus written Viz.

Aprill the 20th 1720

Read and Assented to by the Lowr House of Assembly and,
Signed p Order M Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

The House Adjourns untill One a Clock in the Afternoon

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 534   View pdf image (33K)
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