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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 532   View pdf image (33K)
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532 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.

U. H. J.

Col Woolford and Capt Rider from the Lower house Deliver
to Col Holland

An Engrossed bill Empowering Certain Comrs and Trus-
tees to Dispose of the remaining part of the p sonal Estates wch
were of Thos Smithson late of Dorchester County Gent. And
Thos Smithson late of Talbott County Esqr decd &c. To which
is thus Written

Aprill the 19th 1720
Read and Assented to by the Lowr House of Assembly And
Signed p order M Jenifer Cl Lo. House

The House Adjourns untill to morrow Eight a Clock

Wednesday morn Apll 20th 1720
The House meett According to Adjournment
His Excellency the Governour

Col Holland
Col Young
Esqr Hall
Col. Addison

Esqr Lowe
Col Ward
Esqr Bordley

The Sherriffe of Ann Arundell County makes the following
Return viz.

P. 80

Aprill the 19th 1720

I Humbly Certifie that in Obedience to the Comands of his
Excy John Hart Esqr Govr of Maryland & the Upper and
Lower Houses of Assembly Sitting I have delivered Coppys
of what is Contained in a Paper giveing Notice to all Papists
to appear at a certaine time in said Paper menconed to make
appear what right or Priviledges of theirs as they have given
out in Speeches are Infringed by the present Admrcon of Gov-
ernment, to Charles Carrol, James Carroll, Richard Bennett &
Wm Fitz-Redmond Gent., delivered with my own hand & one
for Henry Darnall Junr which I Sent to my under Sherriffe &
verily believe was delivered. So Answrs
Stephen Warman Sherr
of Ann Arundell County.

The following Depositions Ordered to be Enterd which are
as follows Viz.

Mr Hugh Kennedy being Sent for before this house to give
an Account of what Papists were at his house on Friday night

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 532   View pdf image (33K)
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