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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 531   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 531

are uncertain how soon his Ldship may think fitt to Supersede
his Excellencys Comission at what time by the Intendment of
that Law And the Construction of the Lord Proprietarie he
Can be no Longer Entituled to the Same so that this house
would be wanting in their duty to his Lordship as well as be
drawn into measures prejudicial to the Interest of the Govr
who shall be for time to Come Appointed by his Lordship to
preside Over us should we Imediately Vest the Govr wth the
mony arising thereby

Signed p Order M. Jenifer Cl. Lo. Ho.

The Bill to make Voyd a feigned recovery of the Lands of
Wm Darrington of Dorchester County decd being read is thus
Endorst Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly Aprill 19th 1720

This bill being read will not Pass the Partie praying the
Same being relieveable at Comon Law.
Signed p Ordr J: Beale Cl Up Ho.

And Sent to the Low' house by Esqr Hall who returns and
says he Delivered the same.
Col Mackall with five more membrs from the Lowr house
deliver Col Holland the following Message Viz.

By the Lowr house of Assembly April the 19th 1720

May It Please Your Honrs
In Answer to your Message from your Honble house by
Col Young and two Other of your membrs this house hath
thought fitt to Express their hearty thanks to Your Honrs for
Intimateing to us the opportunity we are likely to have upon
the the return of his Excy to Great Brittain by whose means
we might be Enabled with Great Clearness to represent our
Late Aggrievances to the Honble the Comrs of his Majestys

U. H. J.

P. 78

Customs but inasmuch as we are Credibly informed those
Debts then due to the Crown on which the Action arose are
now Sold to private psons as well as the Consideration of the
Death of Thos Macnemara who was appointed to negotiate
those Affairs under Maurice Birchfield Esqr, We Humbly
Conceive the Causes of those Evills in a Great Measure re-
moved And are not therefore Inclined to Make any ffurther
representation thereof untill such time the same measures are
againe put in use
Signed p Ordr M Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

p. 79

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 531   View pdf image (33K)
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