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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 528   View pdf image (33K)
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528 Assembly Proceedings, April 5-22, 1720.

U. H. J.

Mr Lee with five Others from the Lower house deliver his
Excy the following message Viz.

By the Lowr house of Assembly

Aprill 19th 1720
May It please your Excellency
Mr Speaker having Communicated to this house your Excys
Lettr of the ninth Instant we have Inspected our Late Address
to their Lordships touching the Sundry Vexatious prosecu-
tions agt many Inhabitants of this p vince as Debtors or Sup-
posed Debtors to the Crown And take the same to be sett forth
on Just reasons but are Extreamly Surprized & Sorry to find
that the Comrs of his Majesty's Customs, have not been pleased
to take under their Considerations the sevll Hardships Com-
plained off but Contrarywise have rather Justifyed the said
pceedings and Accused your Excy of retarding those Affairs
which we are Clearly of Opinion your Excy has in no wise De-
served as may appear by the Entry on the Docquetts of the
Chancery Court for we are so well Satisfied with your Excys
Integrity and Justice dureing your Admrcon as Chancellor that
the most Invidious of your Enemies Cannot in any wise make
out the least Charge of Partiality or Corruption and are Sorry
your Excy through any unjust representations against you to
their Lordships should be Induced to give up the Seals, tho
when we Consider the Just reasons laid down in your Excys
Speech in Councill on that Occasion, we Cannot but Applaud
your Excys prudence in giveing up your Interest to preserve
your Integrity which we believe no power on Earth can remove
from you.
Signed p order M Jenifer Cl Lo Ho.

P. 75

Mr Lee and five more members from the Lower House de-
liver Col Holland the following Message Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly

Apr ill the 19th 1720
May It please your Honours
In Answer to your Message of the 15 Instant by John Hall
Esqr this House Conceives that the Reasons of the Conferrees
for referring the Subject matter of the Conferrence till next
Sessions were well grounded Especially Considering the
Honble Conferrees of your house were pleased to make the
same Judgment in relation to the Short Duration of this
Sessions to wch might be Added the Ill Consequences tht might

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 528   View pdf image (33K)
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