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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 527   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 527

having their Conduct approved by the Honble Comrs of the
Customs and by doing the Aggressors the pleasure of having
the Impartial Conduct of our Govr as Judge in Chancery re-
proved we think it is necessary to take that matter into further
Consideration that as we have hitherto had no reliefe by that
Address we should now Endeavour to take proper measures
to render it Effectuall to its first Intended Ends since the
occasion still Continues And as you find on Inspection that
that Address Justly sett forth those Aggrievances wch you
still find to be really such we Cant but apprehend there may
have been some Defect in the presentation or Solicitations of
it we therefore now propose that his Excys Intended Voyage
for great Brittain be Laid Hold on as a most favourable Op-

U. H. J.

portunity for the more Effectuall Solicitations of this Affair:
if he shall be pleased to Act therein to prevent future Imposi-
tions of the like Nature and that you will Joyne with us in
Addressing him to Assist us on this Occasion as you Shall find
necessary for the good of this Province.
Signed p Ordr Jno Beale Cl Up Ho.

Sent to the Lowr house by Col Young Esqr Lowe & Esqr
Bordley who return and Say they Delivered the same.
The Journall of the Comittee of Accounts being read is thus
Endorst Viz.
Apr ill the 19th 1720
Read & Assented to by the Upper House of Assembly and
Signed p Order John Beale Cl Up House

Mr Benjn Tasker Navall Officer of the port of Annapolis
being before the house his Excy requires him to take his bills
for the duty of twelve pence p hhd becomeing due in his Port
for Support of Government during his Excys residence here
in the said Taskers own name which the said Tasker sayd he
would doe
Thereupon Henry Lowe Esqr his Lordship's Agent declares
that by his Lordship's Instructions to him All bills Arising
from the Exportation of tobo should be taken payable in his
Lordship's name which he accordingly Informed his Lord-
ship's Shipping officers to doe
Whereupon his Excy Observes that his Lordship might give
what Instructions he pleases as to his private affairs, But as
to Navall Officers his Excy Insists upon it, on his Majesty's
Behalf that he is the pson to appoint the Navall Officers by

p. 73

Vertue of his Majesty's Royal Instructions & Consequently
to give them all Instructions in relation to their Affairs.

p. 74

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 527   View pdf image (33K)
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