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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 529   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House, 529

have Attended such precipitate proceedings as well as the
probability of Laying this house under a deserved Censure.
Signed p Ordr M Jenifer Cl Lo House

His Excellency observes to this House on hearing the above
Message that his requiring an Explanation of the Expressions
made use of by the membrs of the Conf errees from the Lowr
[House] was to prevent an evasion of his Lordships Preroga-
tive under his Admrcon whose undoubted right it is to Call and
Adjourn Assemblys as he sees fitt, to which his Excellency
Looks on that Message as a very Insuff Answer.

The House Adjourns untill One a Clock in the Afternoon

Post Meridiem
The House meett according to Adjournment

U. H. J.

Col Holland
Col Young
Col Addison
Esqr Lloyd

Esqr Lowe
Col. Ward
Esqr Bordley

Amos Garrett and Benjamin Tasker Esqr from the Lower
House deliver Col Holland
A Bill for giving ffurther time to the Severall Tradesmen
who Originally took up the new Lotts within the Addition of
the City of Annapolis to Improve the same, which is thus

By the Lowr House of Assembly Aprill 19th 1720

Read the first and Second times by Especiall Ordr and will
pass. Signed p Ordr M. Jenifer Cl Lo. Ho.

And being read in this house is thus Endorst Viz.

By the Upper house of Assembly Aprill the 19th 1720.
The within Bill being twice read will pass with these Amend-
ments. And having paid to the Proprietors for each Lott by
them Enterd the Sume Assessed by the Commrs appointed tc
Assess and Award the same in the aforemenconed Act as also
Adding the Generall Clause of Saving to the said Lord Pro-
prietor his heirs and Successors and all bodies Politick and

Corporate & all Others not Menlkmcd in this Act their Sev-

erall and respective rights and also mending the mistakes made
by the Clerk in drawing the within bill and Leaving out the


p. 76

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1717-April, 1720
Volume 33, Page 529   View pdf image (33K)
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